Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It's Been SOOOO Long

It's been over a week since I last played the game, those keeping up with my Twitter (so 1 of you) would know that some things have been happening with.... actually, I haven't been tweeting much about personal stuff. I'll explain now.

The house has since been put on the market, and it has to look 1000% perfect for when people come around to check it out. My parents have been fighting more about the house, and from what I can gather my dad is trying to take more than his fair share of the profits. The monetary problems are complicated, so I won't go into detail about them, but basically dad doesn't have to give a shit about how nice the house looks for buyers, and therefore doesn't. So if the house doesn't look insanely amazing all the time, mum gets insane.

Also, seems mum gets me and my brother after the split, dad has to pay maintenance for the both of us as long as he has a job. The only problem is, he keeps changing jobs without consulting or telling the rest of the family until it's already done, and if he does that after the split, he doesn't get a steady paycheck. This doesn't necessarily mean bad new for him, but no paycheck means no maintainence pay. So, if dad decides to chop and change with his jobs, he doesn't pay my mum and we don't get to eat for a few days.

It's completely understandable that mum's crazy these days, my dad's pretty much (in her words) wasted 20 years of her life, and now he's leaving with the upper hand power-wise. We need to sell the house for as much profit as possible to ensure mum can get a new house (for rent or otherwise).

On another, happier note, I'M A UNIVERSITY STUDENT NOW, BITCHES! That's right, I got a letter in the mail from Murdoch University, and now once I've enrolled in a few Game Design units, I'll be a real student. This means I'll have to get money somehow, as I also plan to live on-campus. Hmm, ways to make money with minimal effort... I'll find a way.

Anyway, I'll edit the post adding the rest of today's adventure if it happens. I had a party last night and the house needs cleaning.

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