Monday, December 5, 2011

Hungry Hungry Moblins

Oh hi there, readers!

Realized not long ago that I haven't given a report on how I've been this past year. Well, my parents moved apart, I barely visit my dad, and I've finished my first year of university studying Games Technology. That's pretty much my life this year. Onto the game report, which is a lot more detailed today for some reason. Today, I'm in the loungeroom with the Wii connected to a tiny TV on the table, because I feel old-school today and my regular TV is too high-tech to be oldschool. Also, the fan is running, because it's a fucking hot day today.

After checking my map, I realize I have no idea where Dungeon 7 is. That's a pity. I also check my items (hell, it's been a year) and I can't for the life of my remember what the Whistle did. I re-check my previous posts here and find that it shrunk Digdogger in one of the dungeons. Is that really it? That's the one purpose of the item? It can't be. I take it out and play it.

A TORNADO APPEARS! OH GOD WHAT DO I DO!? I stand there and let it sweep me up... and deposit me just outside of a dungeon? I go inside and see that it's Dungeon 2. Is that what it does? Take me to each dungeon? I play it a few more times and it takes me to Dungeon 1, the Dungeon 6, then 5... okay, so the Whistle teleports me to each of the dungeons in a cycle. That's pretty useful, actually! It's like I've just found 6 more warp points! Hooray!

It doesn't help with the Dungeon 7 dilemma, though. It seems to only take me to dungeon's I've already cleared, so I still have to find it on my own. I'll start by investigating landmarks I haven't explored before. Checking my map, I see there's a door in the wall a few screens away from Dungeon 6, and two adjacent ponds that look like fairy fountains not far from 3. I'll check out the door first.

I try to warp to Dugeon 6, but for some reason it takes me to different dungeons instead of cycling through them. This calls for some experimenting! I found that on the times where I move around before Whistling again, the cycle sometimes breaks, but when I'm still it stays. I also noticed that if the cycle breaks and I stand still after that, the cycle continues in the opposite direction. A few tests later and I've got it! If you're facing upwards, the Whistle cycles forward 1 (Dungeon 3 > Dungeon 4 > Dungeon 5), and if you face down it goes backwards (Dungeon 6 > Dungeon 5 > Dungeon 4)! That helps with distances between numbers, actually.

I end up getting to 6 and traverse the screens to the door. It turns out to be another general store, selling a shield, bombs and an arrow. Not really helpful. I Whistle to Dungeon 3 and head for the two ponds. Moblins are all over the place and nearly kill me before I get there, but it turns out that the pond to the right is actually a fairy fountain! While I heal, I realize the strangeness of the ponds. Why have two fairy ponds beside one another? It's just not necessary. I investigate the pond and find that it's just a regular pond. I even damage myself to see if fairies only appear when you're not at full health, but nothing.

BUT THEN, BRAINWAVE! The Old Man's clue from yesterday! "THERE ARE SECRETS WHERE FAIRIES DON'T LIVE"! According to my map, this is the only pond in the whole of Hyrule that isn't a fairy fountain! This is where the Fairies don't live! There must be a secret here!

... but what is it? Killing the single moblin doesn't do anything, neither does burning any of the four nearby bushes. Shooting the water with the wand does nothing. As with the arrow. And the wand. And the bomb. And the boomerang. Whistling just makes the water disapp-WAITWHAT? Yes! That's it! Playing the magic whistle makes the water disappear! And on the pond's floor, a staircase! BRILLIANT! And inside... *GASP!* IT'S DUNGEON 7!!

Inside, I can go either up or right. I go right, and find two fireball snakes, which die easily and give me some bombs as a prize. Up, there is a darkened room full of bats. Using the candle, I light up the room, then kill all the bats with my boomerang and sword beams. To the left, the room is full of blue Moblins and some fireball-shooting statues. The moblins die and give me some more bombs. If I go down, I end up back at the entrance.

I backtrack to the Bat room and go right, to a room full of more moblins. They give me more bombs, too. I'm sensing a pattern, here. Up, there's an old man with his wise words for me: "THERE'S A SECRET IN THE TIP OF THE NOSE." ... hehehe, I bet there is. Okay, back to the previous room. I go right and suddenly Digdogger is waiting for me! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, DIGDOGGER? I'LL KILL YOU! Whistle! Shrink the bitch! Divide into three! I will END YOU AND YOUR PIECES! I kept getting shot by the statues, but I managed to get him. He gives me some more bombs as a reward. Okay, Dungeon 7, I get it. I need bombs for something.

To the right, there's a room full of skeletons. One gives me a shiny new key, but the room is a dead end. I go back through the other rooms, but I can't find any other way to progress. Although, as every room and it's statue has been giving me bombs, I'm assuming there are some secret doors that can be bombed into existence. I start at the beginning and work my way through, bombing the sides of rooms. I find what I'm looking for in the first bat room, a secret door leading upwards to another skeleton-filled dark room. One gives the Compass, so I know where the Triforce (and the Boss) are hanging around.

TO the left, there are moblins of every colour shooting around. They don't give any rewards, unfortunately. I could go either up or left, so I'll start with left. HOLY BALLS THREE DODONGOS! I can see why I'll need a lot of bombs! They leave me with only 2 bombs left, and give me a measly 5 rupies as a reward. Thanks, guys. Though I suppose you're not here to make my quest any easier. Up is a locked door, but I'll check down first. Bats and traps, bats die and give me bombs (big surprise there). Down again, a room full of snakes, fire statues and a key. While the key is appreciated, the snakes and statues are not, the former not even giving anything for killing them all.

I head back to the locked room I skipped earlier and enter... it's another Old Man, this time asking me if I want more bombs and giving me the choice to pay him 100 rupies. No thanks, old man, I'm being given enough bombs around here for free, I'm not about to pay you 100 rupies (that I don't have anyway) for them. Back to the room I skipped before, there are bats, moblins and bubbles. I kill the first two and get hit by the third (over and over). In the next room upwars, there's ANOTHER Digdogger! How many of these things ARE there!? Whistle away, kill the three midgets, avoid the fireballs. Nothing is given when they die, which isn't very fair.

To the left, there's another gathering of multi-ethnic moblins and a locked door upwards. Inside, there's ANOTHER Old Man... wait, no! It's a moblin! "GRUMBLE, GRUMBLE" he says. That's strange. There's a door behind him, but I can't get past him. If I damage him, the fire shoots at me, so that can't be the answer. I backtrack, checking all the other rooms, but there doesn't seem to be a way through except through the moblin, who won't move until I give him what he wants.

Which is what, exactly? I have no idea. After quite a while of thinking, readers, I am sorry to say that I cheated. I googled the phrase "GRUMBLE, GRUMBLE" and found the answer that way. HOWEVER, I did not look at a FAQ or walkthrough or anything, I found a message in a forum post that explained the moblin's desire. Turns out the guy's just hungry, and wants some Meat. I'm hoping this is an okay move, but let's face it. If I didn't, we'd be stuck here for another year or two while I stop updating until I figure out that "GRUMBLE, GRUMBLE" means "BRING ME A PARTICULAR ITEM." So, yeah. I've saved you some waiting time. You're welcome.

My map shows that I've already found the Meat, it was being sold for 60 Rupees in the same store where I bought the Blue Ring, which is also within walking distance of Dungeon 7! That's really convenient! So I leave the dungeon, walk to the shop (stopping at the Fairy Fountain to heal) and buy the Meat. Yay, I have a full inventory for the first time! I toddle on back to 7 and head back to the hungry moblin (unfortunately having to kill everything all over again). I drop the meat and the secret music plays as he fades away, along with the food.

In the next room, I find the map amid some more bubbles, bats and blue moblins! The shape of Dungeon 7 is revealed! ... I have no idea what to make of this. It looks like another snake, kinda? Hold on, Google time... Oh, wow. Hehe. It's meant to be a demon. How the hell are we getting THAT from THIS? Whatever. Dungeon Seven is now christened as... Demon Dungeon! That actually sounds pretty cool.

I light up the room and see just how weird the floor is. I skip across to kill all the moblins when I notice something strange. There's some floor at the top of the room, but there's no door. There's also no room on the map there. I, however, don't believe such piffle. I bomb the wall and sure enough, there's a secret room with 10 rupees inside! That's kinda cool, it being not on the map and all!

Back the the previous room and to the right, there's a room of moblins that unlock the upwards room when killed. There, there's another Moblin Diversity Celebration, who give 5 rupees unlock the door to the right. Inside, more moblins and statues, but also a key. There is no other way through, however, so I backtrack.

I noticed the 'eye' on the map. There've been rooms in 'eye' screens before, and the room just a few paragraphs ago wasn't on the map... I bomb the wall leading into the 'eye' and PRESTO there's my way through! The Eye room has some moblins and a staircase, which opens with the push of a block. I can hear the Boss growling from here, so the Boss room must be just below the Eye. Down the stairs, the secret Item for this dungeon lies: the Red Candle. I test it out, and it seems to be exactly like my Blue Candle, but it can be used multiple times per room. Nice.

I head back to the Eye room and try bombing the wall to the right. It opens, leading to more moblins and two locked doors. Finally, the mystery of my two Spare Keys is solved! In the upwards room, there's just two fire snakes who give nothing, and no bombable walls. To the right, another Digdogger. The fear has worn off, by now, though. It's easy to deal with them now. Whistle, kill. Done. Upwards, three more Dodongos. They too, are killed with minimal worrying. Past that room is just a room with some blue hands and bubbles, but nothing else.

I backtrack to find how to enter the Boss Room, bombing through some walls to get to the room just below it... but nothing gets me through to it, nor to the two rooms to the left of it. It seems there must be a staircase somewhere that takes me there, it's the only other explanation for the closed-off rooms. I check each other room for moveable blocks or other doors, eventually coming back to the room with the hands and bubbles. I kill the hands and push several blocks, eventually finding one that opens a staircase in the corner. Why did I skip this room earlier?

Down through the bat-filled alley, I come out two rooms left from the Boss, killing the moblins I find in this room and the snakes in the room to the right. This is it, guys. The Boss of Demon Dungeon. I enter from below, and emerge into the room to find... the Dragon from Dungeon 1? What are YOU doing here? It doesn't answer, just starts shooting fireballs. This may be a challenge, the bosses must get harder in future dungeons. I run forward, getting hit by one of the fireballs and placing my last bomb at the Dragon's feet. It explodes, damaging him. I run in again, stabbing him with my sword... and he dies, just like that. Huh. I guess they aren't stronger. That's embarassing for them.

I collect my new heart and enter the sacred Seventh Triforce Room. I raise it above my head and punch the air as the music plays and the dungeon vanishes around me. Dungeon Seven, Demon Dungeon: Complete! And it seems to be the first dungeon I've completed without dying once! That's a OWDNHTCGI first, I think!

Well, we're going strongly, guys. Back for two days and I'm already 1 piece away from completing the Triforce. I'll see if I can get back to this again tomorrow or the day after, maybe I can finish this thing sooner than I think. The end is on the horizon, readers!

Hearts:   15
Rupies:   84
Bombs:    0
Keys:     1
Dungeons: EAGLE(1), MOON(2), MANJI(3), SNAKE(4), LIZARD(5), DRAGON(6), DEMON(7)
Deaths:   67

P.S: I got rid of the Twitter thing, as it's pointless.

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