Hi, it's been a while since my last play (about 5 days by my count). The reason I've been busy is that my grandfather, Erwin Wcislo, unfortunately passed away recently.
He'd been fighting old age and lung cancer for a while, and it was a miracle he lived through Christmas. But a few days ago, in his sleep, he left us. I wish I had been closer to him, because I honestly don't feel very bad about it. I mean, of course I feel bad, but not as much as any other person would be at losing a family member. Then again, we've all come to terms with it over the months. He's been "circling the drain" for so long, in a way it's good that he's moved on. I don't know if anyone else in my family believes in an afterlife, but I do, and I hope he's in a better place.
Also, the house is being cleaned and half emptied on an EPIC scale as it's now on the market. Me and my brother have been WORKED TO THE FLESHY PART JUST ABOVE THE BONE by our mother, and had to endure her constant complaining about our dad (who, my brother has FINALLY begun to realize, deserves all of it). Meanwhile, the device I use to connect my Wii to my computer has been packed away, so I can't take any screenshots. BUT, I'm sure there are some maps on the internet, so if you're desperate for some graphical representation of my position you can cross-reference my descriptions of my movements with some maps or something and get it.
BUT ANYWAY, I won't go on much more (unless I feel like it, but I probably won't). LEVEL 6 AWAITS! Remember the dungeon with 2 tiles worth of door? That's Dungeon 6. Luckily near Warp 1, so lets MOVE OUT!
Stopping off at the Fairy Fountain for healsies, then through the mountains about 2 screens to the devilishly designed Dungeon Entrance. Inside, a locked room and an unlocked room (I have an extra 2 keys, but I'll save them for now). In the unlocked room, there are some WIZARDS AAAR-never mind. Wizards who DIE easily. The room gives me a key, lovely! Now, to light up the room and see where things are... Ah, a locked room to the north! UNLOCK!
An Old Man! "AIM AT THE EYES OF GOHMA." That's got to be the boss of the Sixth (why did I ever bother with the word 'dungeon'?), and now I know how to kill it. Apparently, if you aim at the eyes, it will die. KEWL! I'm sure you need to shoot at it, but NONETHELESS! I also have to go back to the locked room in the first room, cos this is a dead end.
In that room, there are some easily-killed Wizards (who give me bombs and a fairy), and in the next room are some Slimes who give me money and the Compass. The next room... has fire-breathing statues and bats, so I don't like that room. BACK OUT, equip boomerang, BACK IN, and blitz the shit out of everything. Once everything dies (and takes about 2 hearts off me), a Key is bestowed upon me. IN THE NEXT ROOM, hinting that this dungeon is shaping up to be pretty linear, there are a bunch of Spike Traps around (easily avoided).
Next room, an ACTUAL THREAT! 3 Wizards, 2 BLUE Wizards and a Skull Bubble. It takes a bit more health before I kill everything, and the next room needs to be opened by pushing a block.
This is where everything electrical I was working with at the time suddenly decided to have breakdowns. My laptop very nearly ran out of batteries before I realized I hadn't plugged it in properly, and my charger's a retarded child and causes the mousepad on the laptop to spaz out when I touch it. My USB mouse also decided to not work anymore, no matter WHICH port I plugged it into, so I had to ignore the game until I fixed everything. I can now only use the mouse by unplugging my laptop, using the mouse, and plugging it back in to keep it charged. Oh, but wait, as soon as I type all that, my USB mouse decides to work again! Oh technology, you little bitch, you.
BUT I DIGRESS. Back in the game, the next room holds 3 more of each Wizard, who kill me despite my awesomeness. BACK TO THE START AGAIN. DIE IN THE SAME ROOM. Okay, just read the last few paragraphs another 3 times or so, because that's about when I got to this point.
... sorry. So after a trip through the staircase that miraculously leads to the nearest Fairy Fountain, and another to an underground Potion shop, and back again. So FULL HEALTH, 2 FULL HEALTH POTIONS. THIS MEANS 3x12 HEARTS EQUALS 36 HEARTS! YEAH! Not quite, as I have to use the potions BEFORE I lose all the health... SHUT UP SEAN, YOU'RE RAMBLING!
Okay, so read that paragraph about running through the linear corridor thing again, only THIS time, imagine me as a heroic, unstoppable, amazingly sexy hero killing everything without breaking a swear. It was more like a confident, moderately skillful display but it's better for you to think that I'm awesome. BECAUSE I AM. SOMETIMES. So yeah, I beat the room I usually die in (using up a potion) and move on.
WHAT THE FUCK IS GLEEOCK DOING HERE!?!??!? I KILLED YOU LIKE 2 DUNGEONS AGO! AND YOU GREW AN EXTRA HEAD! Luckily, I've grown stronger, too. I have a nifty new sword and extended health. So you, my friend, die quickly. HA! Next room (to the East now, we're off the linear path).
This room has some Like-Likes (I couldn't think of what to call them, so I looked up their real names) and Slimes, all of which die easily and the room gives me the Map! Dungeon Sixth, or Dungeon the Sixth, you are now known as... okay seriously, what the hell is this meant to be? It looks like a demonic arm flexing. One moment, Google needs to be consulted... oh wow. *snigger* It's meant to be a dragon... hehehe... OKAY THEN, Dungeon the Sixth, you are now known as Dragon Dungeon (awesome, really).
So, there's this locked door south of my location... UNLOCK. Some Wizards, who die but leave me with 1/2 a heart (*uses potion* *gets health* *celebrates*), and a new Key. Next room, AAARGH THE FUCKING BBB'S! KILL THEM WITH FIRE! Okay, that only slightly worked. KILL THEM WITH SWORDS! Okay, cool. NEXT ROOM.
It's filled with Wizards and Like-Likes! Kill them all! Done. This is a bit TOO easy, now... meh. Block! Push it, open stairs, travel. It takes me to another part of the Dungeon (through a little double-stairs room), to a room with Slimes and Like-Likes. Also, I can go down and meet some more BBBs! Lovely! And KILL, KILL, KILL... much better. In the next room, the north door is locked, and it's RIGHT next to the Triforce Room! It could be the boss room, or it might not be. I'll go South for now, and check later.
Okay, the south room is a dead end. It DOES have some wizards, though. Kill. And now the room gives me bombs... that's suspicious. Usually when a room does that, it means bombs are required... the Boss? No, you need to "aim" somehow, bombs don't need to be aimed. Secret room? Bomb the walls? I'll try it... well, that didn't work. Let's try that locked door, shall we?
OH GOD IT'S THE BOSS! IT'S A GIANT SPIDER! I'M ARACHNOPHOBIC! SHOOT IT! SHOOOOOT IIIIIIIIIIIT!!! With every Arrow I impale into it's face, it closes it's eye just that little bit more until... DIE! HAHA! DIE, SPIDER! And give me your heart! Hooray! I won't get the Triforce shard just yet though, I still need to find that secret item.
Back in the main area of the dungeon, there's still a locked door I didn't open. Inside, more wizards, but other than that a dead end. But there IS a block, so that could be a secret switch or somethi-don't worry, I'm dead now. DAMN BLUE WIZARDS. Back to the start.
On one hand, I've all but defeated Dragon Dungeon. On the other, I still need to collect that secret item and go back for the Triforce. And after this, I still don't know where Dungeon Seven is. I've got some work to do next time, infiltrating the deepest reaches of the Dragon AND the farthest reaches of Hyrule. There are only 2 other dungeons in the game that I haven't found yet: 7 and 9. 9... the final dungeon. The cave in which Gannon is hiding, holding Zelda captive. I WILL SAVE YOU, ZELDA. I'm almost there, I AM...
Dungeons: EAGLE(1), MOON(2), MANJI(3), SNAKE(4), LIZARD(5)