Thursday, December 9, 2010

Did you get the Sword from the Old Man on top of the Waterfall?

Okay, so scanning my map I found the nearest Dungeon to the starting screen (that I hadn't already bludgeoned to death with my wooden stick) was to the west, so off I go. Killing a bunch of stuff on the way (did I mention how much I love the Sword Beam?), I found this green elaborate cave guarded by Statues. THEY'RE ALIVE, I SWEAR IT! I'mma touch it! ...  DAMMITALL dead again.

Meanwhile, several minutes later...

As these statues appear to give JS as rewards, I think I'll leave them alone this time. Now, down to 1 heart, I enter Dungeon Three (ooh, good guess!), with only one door. WEST AHOY! OH GOD MORE BLOBS! Those ones that split when they die. Well, no rewards from them, helpful. What IS helpful, though, is the Key they left in the middle of the room. Yay!

In the next room I get killed by another Splitting Slime. Damn. Second try and they ALL give me rewards when I kill them with Bombs. Lovely. And, another key is bestowed. NEXT ROOM!

OH GOD THREE KNIGHTS! 1 Bomb... 2 down. Last one-OHGODTHEYCANTBEHITFROMTHE FRONT! Run, Sword Beam, Run, Sword Beam... done! And about 10 Rupies as a reward! Nice! To the west, I think, and theres the Compass amid bats and Traps. And a locked door! 1 of my 3 Keys opens it, and I find-OHGODMOREKNIGHTS! Bombs! They're my friend! 6 Later and only 1 left! However, I'm out. So good-ol' swordplay tactics to kill it (and no Sword Beam to help me!). Now I've only got 2 hearts left, but the South door opened itself. Hurrah.

A BILLION KNIGHTS!! But a staircase, so I'll come back to THAT room when I have Health and Bombs. In the meantime, North. Slimes, Bats and Bubbles of Death. I die. F***.

Attempt 2 succeeds and I find a corridoor to a locked door. Opened, it leads to more slimes and 2 locked doors. The slimes give me another Key, so both can be unlocked (well, they could already, but now I have another spare). East first, and Dungeon Map! I hereby name this dungeon...

0.0 Oh my... well, this is awkward. Dungeon Three, uh... I name thee... well...

Nazi Dungeon? Dear me, that's controversial. There must be an explanation, let me google this...
Right! Okay! It's NOT a Swastika, it's a Buddhist symbol meaning good fortune, called a Manji. OKAY THEN! I name thee MANJI DUNGEON!

Now that's out of the way, the next room holds MORE BLOODY KNIGHTS who kill me (although I got two, one giving me bombs!). NOW! To the Staircase Room! Hopefully more hearts appear, but LET'S GO!
DAMMIT! Killed by Knights.

Attempt 2: Killed all the knights in the room BEFORE the Staircase room, but I doubled back to get some health back. In doing so, I unlocked the northernmost door in the dungeon, taking me to another room with a Secret Switch (kill slimes, move block), taking me to an Old Man!

"DID YOU GET THE SWORD FROM THE OLD MAN ON TOP OF THE WATERFALL?". Saywhat? Another sword? Fantastic! There's my next target, find this Waterfall and get a new sword! AFTER this dungeon gets kicked in the face, that is. West from Old Man Waterfall is a room with a key and about 7 bats. NO HEARTS THOUGH! Back a few rooms- wait, no, killed by a SLIME! But that's okay, I only had 1/2 heart left, so now I'm back up to 3.

I've found the secret of the Splitting Jellies. Kill them with bombs, rewards. Usually. I'm using this to my advantage and killing them all with said bombs to get health and more bombs (for the Stair case room)... KILLED AGAIN JUST OUTSIDE!!! AND I'M OUT OF BOMBS! Screw it, I'm running for it when I finally kill these bitches and get into the staircase room. KILLING THINGS IS OVERRATED!

Well, another few deaths later and I'm no closer to entering the Staircase Room. I can't get ANY rewards from kills, especially not Bombs, and those knights just WON'T DIE. So I'm leaving to find that sword the old man was talking about and maybe having a better chance at this. I'm leaving this dungeon and heading for that waterfall. See you next time.

Health:   3/5
Rupies:   148
Bombs:    0
Keys:     2
Dungeons: EAGLE(1), MOON(2)
Deaths:   13

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