Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dodongo Dislikes Smoke


*ahem* Okay, got a bit annoyed there. I started today and found myself at the starting screen in the Overworld, so I had to painfully get back to Dungeon 2. I died 2 SCREENS AWAY and had to go back AGAIN, but then I got there with over 70 Rupies and a full set of bombs, so I guess it's okay now. THEN I found the Death room and died AGAIN, then aga-WAIT, no I DID IT YAY! I ran around setting bombs in the blue Santas ways and got rewarded with... a blue boomerang? A Magic Boomerang? Oooh, it goes a LOT further now!

Satisfied, I move deeper and find two strings of Fireballs rolling around, but as I had full health from some monsters earlier my Sword Beam made short work of them, granting me another key (2 now). There was a room to the east, but that contained some bats, traps and a bomb (wow, yay *sarcasm*). Further north was another Snake room (opening a door north), but I went east again to find a room of slimes (and 5 Rupies as a prive for boomerang-ing their asses), and north again to another old man.

"DODONGO DISLIKES SMOKE" he says, which by the way was my second choice for the name of this blog, being one of the most famous Zelda quotes in history. I already know what this means, so I backtrack to the Snake Room and go north to find Santas and hear the bosses growling. ENTER TO BOSS (equipping Bombs, in case the boss is who I anticipate...)!!

Oh my, a dinosaur! Apparently named Dodongo! Oh my! How do I kill him? I KNOW! HE DISLIKES SMOKE! Here, dino, eat these bombs! They'll make you big and strong!
Well that was a disappointing death. He eats 2 bombs and flashes a few times before vanishing. Huh. Well, okay. EXTRA HEART! Aaaaand... TRIFORCE SHARD #2!! WAIT A SECOND!! There were only three unlockable doors in that dungeon (I know that, I went to every room), but it gave me 4 keys! I have an extra key! That'll come in handy!

A decent dungeon, I'll admit. Now to find Dungeon 3! Aw, but I'm out of clues. Well, if anyone knows where Dungeon 3 is, or any other useful (not too spoiler) information that'd be useful, comment and join!
2 down, 6 to go!

Health:   3.5/5
Rupies:   115
Bombs:    4
Keys:     1
Dungeons: EAGLE(1), MOON(2)
Deaths:   5

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